More than 20 mosques, churches, synagogues and community civic organizations partner with Viator House by providing volunteers and donations, as well as by co-sponsoring online and gathered events that educate the public about how our asylum system treats children who flee to our nation alone.
Faith Community Partners
Zakat Chicago
Agape: A Community of New Hope
Congregation Beth Am, Buffalo Grove
Congregation Hakafa, Glencoe
First United Methodist Church, Arlington Heights
Holy Family Catholic Community, Inverness
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep High School
ICNA Relief, Glendale Heights
Iskali Community
Islamic Education Center, Glendale Heights
Islamic Society of the Midwest, Mt. Prospect
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Bourbonnais
Muslim Education Center, Morton Grove
Saint John XXIII Community
Our Lady of Wayside Catholic Church, Arlington Heights
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Schaumburg
St. Edna Catholic Church, Arlington Heights
St. James Catholic Church, Arlington Heights
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Libertyville
St. Raymond Church, Mount Prospect
St. Theresa Catholic Church, Palatine
Saint Viator High School
The Clerics of St. Viator, Chicago
Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington
Civic Community Partners
Arlington Heights League of Women Voters
Arlington Heights Rotary Club
Cars of Hope
Cars of Hope assesses donated cars for needed repairs. Cars that are
repaired will be given to those in serious need of transportation.
When the needed repairs are determined to cost too much, the cars will be
sold with the funds used for non profit repairs to cars that will be
Please donate your car to Cars of Hope through their website or at
(224)216-2277 and let them know you were sent by Viator House of
Cars of Hope takes all donated cars whether they run or not run.